How to Not Fear Direct Prospecting with Wendy Weiss
Jun 22, 2021
The Revenue Throughput Podcast || Episode 22
About This Episode & Wendy Weiss
When you get tired of hoping prospects fall into your lap, it's time to get comfortable with direct prospecting. If that's not what you wake up excited to do, then we have just the person for you to talk to! Wendy Weiss is the founder of the Salesology™ Prospecting Method that generates predictable sales revenue results. Wendy has helped 775 businesses increase qualified appointments and sales faster, more easily and more profitably.
As a special thank you for listening to today's episode, Wendy is offering access to her wonderful resource, The Business Owner’s Guide To Scheduling More Qualified Appointments When Their Prospects Are All Completely Freaking Out - 12 Steps for Finding Sales Opportunities Today (
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Listen to the Revenue Throughput Podcast
When you're done listening to Wendy, take a look at the other instigators and business thinkers we've recently had on the show.