Yes! AI Lead Gen Works for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses with Roel Hoekstra
Aug 25, 2021
The Revenue Throughput Podcast || Episode 43
About This Episode & Roel Hoekstra
Today's guest is Roel Hoekstra, CEO of Akela Partners. Roel is going to talk to us today about something exciting and cutting edge; and for companies smaller than what you might think! And that is Artificial Intelligence (AI) lead generation. It is real, doable, and available.
Roel leads a diverse team of marketing professionals, data scientists, programmers, and customer service professionals committed to generating more and better sales ready leads for their clients. Roel is an expert in data analytics, artificial intelligence, identity resolution, marketing strategy, sales process engineering along with health insurance and employee benefits.
Once you're finished listening to today's episode, check out for more information about Roel, AI lead generation, and much more!
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Listen to the Revenue Throughput Podcast
When you're done listening to Roel, take a look at the other instigators and business thinkers we've recently had on the show.